by Artlink | Jul 1, 2020 | Artlink Official, External Link, Front Page, opportunity, The VSG, Uncategorized
Visit Places We Love at the VSG This year’s annual Artlink Members exhibition will be held at the VSG; a virtual replica of the Saldanha Gallery, an online experience of the space where we’ve hosted our members show since its inception in 2015. In...
by Artlink | Jul 1, 2020 | Artlink Official, Artlink Video, Front Page, Online Resource, Uncategorized
Philip McFadden is a long time supporter and Member of Artlink. This video had somehow been left on the shelf for a while, so one of the few positives of our enforced lockdown has been the opportunity to finally get it edited and get it out there. With a career...
by Artlink | Jun 1, 2020 | Amach Anseo, Artlink Video, Front Page, Online Resource, Uncategorized
Would you like to improve biodiversity and encourage pollinators? Join local experts Colm Grant, Michiel Verspuij and Daniel Gallanagh for a 6 week class funded by Donegal ETB Grow plants, make an insect hotel and create a sign for your re-wilded garden Starts...
by Artlink | May 12, 2020 | Artlink Official, Front Page, Uncategorized
Drawn From Borders is a project led by artists for artists that explores the concept and reality of borders, specifically the border created 100 years ago by The Partition of Ireland. The project supports the Artlink Members participating in the project to research...
by Artlink | Apr 29, 2020 | Artlink Official, External Link, Front Page, Online Resource, Uncategorized
Join The Green Pencils The Green Pencils are people who gaze in awe at plant life so much so that sometimes they take a pencil and commit the moment of that plant’s life to eternity in a drawing. Then they inspire others by sharing their observations with the...
by Artlink | Apr 11, 2020 | Artlink Official, Artlink Video, Front Page, Online Exhibition, Uncategorized, Video Exhibition
watch A Place to Escape With the Covid-19 outbreak changing the way everyone in the world is working and living their daily lives, artists are learning to adapt as exhibitions, workshops, residencies and events are in suspension. During this period Patricia Spokes,...